GIMP Watermark Script

I'm just getting back into the swing of things after a few week business trip to the UK. Captain Blender is coming along nicely and I should be adding the materials, textures, and hair in the next few days. I cheated a little bit with the modelling and skipped ahead by grabbing the files off of the DVD accompanying the book, but I don't feel too bad about it. I did originally get the book to do some animation and all I've done so far is model! I'm excited about the next rigging part though. I should also be able to do some work with the new 2.46 Blender version with his hair. We'll see how everything turns out, but will update soon!

In the meantime, in checking, which I do rather regularly, I ran across a nice GIMP script by Wesley Tanaka, which adds a nice little watermark to an image. It's fairly easy to understand what is going on in the script if you download a copy and open it up in a text editor. The great thing about this is that instead of just adding text in a new layer, you can specify a file to load into the image in a new layer. I modified it a bit to add the new layer in overlay mode and took out the opacity settings, along with a couple of other things, but it's basically the same thing that you can get on his site.
For a little example, here is a quick snapshot of stonehenge that I took while I was over in the UK. It was pouring down rain that day (and almost everyday over there!), so the pic isn't the greatest, but notice the little "TBB" in the bottom right corner.