Basic Rig and Gimp...

The basic bones for my Marty rig are completed now and to test him out I gave him a little Macbeth pose. I ran across just a few things that I'll most likely end up changing. The first thing is that his shoulders are pretty limited on how far they can move without intersecting the body mesh. I'll probably end up making the shoulder hole a bit bigger and changing the pivot point for the upper arm bone to try to fix this a bit. Otherwise he'll be running around with really wide arms all the time! The second thing I'll have to play around with is sort of a basic way to move all his bones at once. I created his rig without following any tutorials or notes (which I'm excited about!) and I forgot to add a root, or master bone. This sounds like it should be easy, but I was running into some troubles with parenting what to what and leaving some bones behind when grabbing and moving the whole armature.Cherry Blossom Vintage Effect

The next couple of pictures were just some photos that I had on my computer that I decided to play with in Gimp. They were both taken last year at the Cherry Blossom festival in Washington, DC. This one on the left was meant to look like an old vintage photo that has been lying around for many years. Increasing the contrast a bit, along with adjusting the color curves gives it that worn look and then I just added some fading to black in the corners.

The photo below I think came out pretty well and really looks like the result I was hoping for. This one was made to look like a still image from a scene in a movie (if you click on it you'll see a bigger version). Enjoy!

Movie Photo Gimp Effect