Holiday Progress...
fter a long holiday break, I have a large amount of updates! First things first, I re-made the rig for Marty the robot. The feet, hands, and hips were all changed, so it's quite different. These are some of my notes along with a snapshot of the complete rig.
With a new rig it obviously meant that I had to make a new walk cycle. This was good animation practice for me, but I'm not as happy with it as the last one. I could have continued to tweak it, but I'm going to call it done for now. Enjoy!
Marty Walk Cycle from Tim Brown on Vimeo.
Next, I played around with a python script called Blender Mechanical Gears, which is pretty fun. The script creates a single tooth of a gear, which you then have to spindup around it's center point to create a full gear. This one was rendered in Yafray, with the texture created in Gimp. I think it came out really well!
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