Action Constraints

Another very quick update today. I'm working on some action constraints for the Captain Blender rig and decided to test out some screen capture utilities to show the animation. Keeping with my Open Source theme I'm using Cam Studio to capture my screen. This software is very easy to use and very minimalistic. I wish there were some shortcut keys to start recording and end recording, but I didn't read a lot of information about it, so there very well could be.

The first action is the Fingers Curl action. This is simply the action of making a fist with the finger bones.

CB Fingers Curl from Tim Brown on Vimeo.

The second video is what is called Toe Heel Roll. This is the action of rolling the foot from toe to heel.

CB Toe Heel Roll from Tim Brown on Vimeo.

There is one more action constraint to add which is spreading the fingers, but I didn't have a chance to get to that last night. Once all the action constraints are added I will start attaching the bones to the mesh. Enjoy!