Captain Blender Cont.

I did just a little bit of work on Captain Blender's face last night.

He obviously needs a lot more tweaking and some eyes, but I didn't get too involved last night. It was a nice day on the east coast, so I went out for a run instead! His face is very square, which being a hero like character will turn out that way in the end anyway I think.

I also ran across another little project of mine.

This is Sheldon from the old US Acre/Garfield comics, I used to love that show! I'm hoping to animate him a bit after I get the hang of everything. I figure he'll be pretty easy!

One of my favorite episodes of US Acres is Sheldon's, here.

Blender Animation

After playing around with Bob and some other random modelling projects I decided I wanted to model my apartment. I didn't get super far because I found myself getting a little bit bored with it. Mainly because my apartment is small and uninteresting, but here is how far I did get:

I just added some doors and windows, but like I said, got a bit bored. I do plan on modelling an entire house this summer once I get a hold of the blueprints. I'll then try to put together a little video fly through of it. We'll see how that turns out!

Now we get a bit more interesting. I ran through an intro character animation tutorial (the gingerbread man "Gus" for those familiar) a few weeks ago. This got me sort of hooked on the animation side of Blender. You can see the animation here:

It is far from perfect! However, it was my very first animation with Blender, so I was excited about it. There are obviously a lot of little problems with it, like his candy buttons and face don't move with the body, but overall I was just excited I could get something to move!

Gus got me all gung ho for animation, so I ran out and found Tony Mullen's book "Introducing Character Animation with Blender." The book is fantastic so far! He gives just enough instruction so a new user like me can figure it out, but not too much that it gets too much like following a cookbook.

The book goes through the modelling and animation of "Captain Blender," a Mr. Incredible-like super hero. I haven't quite completed modelling him yet, but am working on it now:

As you can tell I'm still working on the head and face. You have to think differently about a character model that you intend to animate. It's much easier just modeling it for a still image! I think his hands are also a bit big, but that may be the camera angle.

That is about up to date on my Blender progress. I work on it sporadically, but will update here when I do!